Work Validation in Shutdowns

Work Validation is one of the keys to a successful shutdown or outage. Validation is answering a series of questions about all the jobs on the work list.. Its function is to eliminate all unnecessary work, clarify all jobs and eliminate duplications.

Questions to be answered for every job:

q       Does the work have to be done during this shutdown?

q       Is this a duplicated job or is a small job part of a larger job already on the schedule?

q       Is this a job that will be undone by a job later in the shutdown?

q       Is this the simplest wording? The work content should be entirely clear.

q       Is this routine work being transferred into the shutdown?

q       Is this nice-to-do work for which there is no business justification?

q       Is there any work done as a custom every shutdown without adequate analysis?

q       Is this desperation or blackmail work (that is work added to the list just before start-up)


Three steps of the Validation Process:

·         Check: duplication, approval, request is accurate

·         Challenge: the need to perform the task either at all or during this shutdown

·         Analyze: safety, quality, engineering, material, resource requirements


Important point: Agree on final wording and add to work list (it can make a difference).


Idea for action: What about running a class in how to write up the “work requested” field on the work order?  The issue of how work requested is written up is important for day-to-day maintenance jobs and doubly important for shutdowns.




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Joel Levitt, President Springfield Resources 

800-242-5656 Voice:610-278-7550  Fax:610-278-7552

Maintenance Training and Consultation
