Looking for cost savings?

 This may seem too simple but the easiest waste to clean up

comes from two areas.


  1. What part numbers consume the most money annually?

To find out just multiply the part cost times the annual usage.

Sort the list in descending order. Use the top 5% of the parts for this analysis.

Create a team from different disciplines to discuss solutions to the usage of each part.


  1. What repetitive repairs consume the most money annually?

Most maintenance activity consists of repairs that have been done before. Choose

the top repairs in terms of annual money consumed. Have your team look for ways of fixing the asset permanently.


Key: When the team cannot make a concrete suggestion for improvement or test (to gain knowledge) within 30 minutes go to the next one. Don’t get bogged down!


I did a longer version of the exercise in a school district with the trades people themselves. In 3 sessions they identified US$¾ million in savings!

 Good hunting



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 Sample of topics: Maintenance Management, Management Skills for

Maintenance Supervisors, Planning, Storeroom, TPM, Cost Reduction, PM,

How to get the most out of your CMMS, using the Internet for MRO... 

Just reply and we can supply complete listing and a free quote. If you send me you mailing address I’ll send you a free tape “20 Steps to World Class Maintenance”

 PS: I am involved in another kind of project outside the maintenance world.  For the last 5 years my sisters and I have been working with adult sibling groups to help them improve their relationships. We have recently published a book based on our seminar called Sibling Revelry- Eight Steps to Successful Sibling Relationships. This book is available now for US $12.95 at Amazon.com (to buy) and other places. To find out more about our project click here. This book makes a great gift for your wife, girlfriend (or husband)!

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Joel Levitt, President Springfield Resources 

800-242-5656  Voice:215-924-0270  Fax:215-424-4284

Maintenance Training and Consultation

Visit:  http://www.maintrainer.com